Katherine Fried is a musician and composer, performing artist, and poet from Minneapolis, Minnesota.               She is particularly focused on nature, investigations of the female experience, and mental health in her creations.

Katherine attended the University of Minnesota/Guthrie Theater BFA Actor Training Program where she received a rigorous submergence in different types of theatre and creative storytelling; both her schooling and her guts propelled her into an inquisitive relationship with art-making and artistry which she thoroughly enjoys exploring today. After graduating, Katherine traveled the regional theatre circuit as an actor and musician. She now has the pleasure of practicing as an actor, musician/composer, educator, and arts activist in multiple artistic communities; She is pleased to be able to perform onstage in Minneapolis and on the East Coast and to compose music for theatre projects in addition to solo musical endeavors.

© 2019 Katherine Fried Minneapolis, MN 55426
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